Women in Sports: Serena Williams

 One of the most influential athletes in all sports across the globe is Serena Williams. Williams is an American professional tennis player considered one of the greatest women's tennis players of all time. She is also a great role model for young girls across the world. 

According to womenshistroy.org,  In 1991, Williams joined the junior United States Tennis Association tour where she placed first in the 10-and-under division. This was just the start of all of her future successes in her career. She would then make her professional debut when she was just 14 years old. For quite a bit of time, Williams was ranked in the top 100. Then in 1998, Williams' rankings went to the top 20. 

Williams graduated from Driftwood Academy in 1999. After she graduated she signed a $12 million endorsement deal with Puma. This year was quite the year for Williams. She won her first Grand Slam title. A Grand Slam is winning four major championships in one calendar year. She would also move up to 4th in world rankings. 

Image from: olympics.com

Williams has also faced troubles dealing with racism and discrimination. In 2001, Williams competed in the Indian Wells Masters that was held in California. It is also considered the second biggest tennis tournament in the U.S. Williams won the finals, but was booed by the crowd throughout her time competing. Her father said that he heard racial slurs being hurled as well. 

This would lead Williams to boycott the tournament for 14 years. This experience did not stop her from competing in other tournaments. She would continue to win in other tournaments and move up in rankings.

In 2022, Williams would eventually retire from tennis. Her career is remarkable in many different ways. Williams has 39 major titles, 23 in singles, 14 in women's doubles, and 2 in mixed doubles. 

She has other impacts on society as well. She also serves as a UNICEF International Goodwill Ambassador, which has opened two secondary schools in Kenya. She has a venture capital firm that invests in technology companies owned or led by women and African Americans. 

Williams will go down in history as one of the best tennis players of all time. She has also inspired more diversity within sports and the community. She is also always looking for more ways to get involved in impoverished areas around the world. 

Serena Williams' 100th career singles ...
Image from: Los Angeles Times


  1. Good attribution for images and good effort on source usage in your text, but add more information--author, specific page/article title, publication date. Also, make sure you are ADDING VALUE. That is a key thing for this assignment. Although you shared information of different sorts (though some of it is uncited), I don't know that you shared anything we couldn't all find pretty easily on our own. Provide some context or a new way of looking at her....something to add value to the other information you gathered.

  2. I love the images you used in this blog post and good usage. This is a good topic to blog about and Serena was a great choice as she has been great for women's sports and sports in general. I remember when I was younger whenever Serena was on TV my parents would have it on because she was that good.


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